Instructive entrevue d’un des grands maîtres de l’algorithmie, dans Popular Mechanics: 20 (rare) questions for Google search guru Udi Manber.
Pertinence de cette question à propos de la séparation entre les objectifs d’amélioration des fonctions de recherche et de revenus publicitaires..
You have nothing to do with the advertising side, but is there a sort of “church and state” separation between the advertising side and what you do?
Yes, I told you we launched our 450 improvements. When we decide to launch something, we have a weekly meeting where all those things come together and we look at all the evaluations and we make decisions-revenues and any effects on ads do not come into those meetings. We don’t even know what the effects are. We make the decisions solely based on how good it is for search, how good it is for users. The ads are on a different part of the page, and the ad people, I assume, do the same kind of thing and try to improve the ads.
L’algorithme de recherche aurait été modifié pas moins de 450 fois au cours de l’année dernière…