Commentaire de Steve Peterson du Bivings Group sur le traitement de l’information dans le dossier publié par le Business Week (Beyond Blogs).
Le magazine en ligne a utilisé la cybermétrie (web analytics) et les commentaires de blogues pour faire évoluer le contenu du dossier. Le premier élément devrait réjouir les évangélistes de la cybermétrie:
Using web analytics data to inspire an update to the article is brilliant for a couple of reasons. First, updating the article will keep people who visit the site from the search engines, since they really cannot take a look at the publication date of the article and move on to other search results in hopes of finding something more current.
Second, this helps BusinessWeek assert itself as a great resource of updated information. Of course, I doubt that the magazine updates every article, but at least we know that it pays some attention to traffic data.